Recently, Arizona State University ran an experiment using HapYak Interactive Video to measure student engagement in a hybrid eLearning course comparing interactive, on-video questions to traditional quizzing methods. The results were overwhelming, showing increased student-reported engagement and satisfaction in every category.
The Experiment
In the experiment, the students watched a number of videos – a common practice in many online courses. They compared traditional online quizzes, taken after the students had watched the entire video, with HapYak on-video (embedded) quizzes, in which the questions popped up periodically throughout the video.
Here’s their summary of the course and the test: “Sustainability Science for Teachers is a newly developed hybrid course at Arizona State University that was crafted by an interdisciplinary team of researchers, developers, designers, educators, and content experts. It incorporates the use of high level video content with engaging homework assignments to build students’ sustainability literacy capacity. The use of a video annotation software called HapYak was deployed in an alpha test during the 2013 summer.”
The Results
To view the results, please visit the original article.