The Sustainability Science for Teachers Teaching Fellowship offers graduate students and professionals with a relevant background with an opportunity to teach the undergraduate course, Sustainability Science for Teachers. Instructors have found teaching this course to be engaging because of the format and topic focus. New insights into pedagogy and unique teaching methods are also gained through the inclusion of our professional learning community (PLC).
SCN 400 is a dynamic and innovative required course, which is delivered in a hybrid format for all students majoring in Elementary Education in the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College. This Fellowship offers an invaluable opportunity for individuals who are interested in teaching sustainability science to future teachers, and who would like to gain real-world teaching experience in higher education. However, being offered and accepting membership into the Fellowship is more than just a teaching opportunity; it’s an agreement to hold oneself to the professional standards that SSE has cultivated with our instructors, and to participate in our PLC, which comes with a time commitment of approximately 8-10 hours per week.
Teaching Fellowship requirements include:
- Reviewing all online material (principally 1 hour of video per week)
- Equitable, accurate and timely grading (3-6 hours per week)
- Attendance and instruction during face-to-face portions of the hybrid class (1.5 hours per week)
- Preparing for class in advance using pre-made in-class materials (1 hour per week)
- Responding and communicating with students effectively (in-person and via email)
- Participating in one (3 hour long) mandatory meeting per semester at ASU’s Biodesign Institute. The semester “boot camp” meeting takes place prior to the start of the semester, and is a detailed overview of course specifics, updates, etc.
- Participating in 10 (45-minute) mandatory meetings during the semester. Instructor meeting dates and times are determined on a case-by-case basis to align with each person’s schedule and needs.
Recipients will be expected to achieve success and meet all ASU Faculty Associate requirements. Additionally, they will be mentored throughout the semester by current and past instructors, as well as by the SSE team. Graduate students and professionals with a background in science, technology, engineering, and/or teacher preparation are strongly encouraged to apply by submitting their résumé and a letter of interest to Program Director Annie Hale at annie.hale@asu.edu.