At a Glance
School : ASU PD
Location: Online
Course Type : PD
Credit Hours: Fifteen
Email : annie.hale@asu.edu
Integrating Sustainability Science into the Classroom (PD 101) aims to cultivate the skills and strategies necessary for incorporating sustainability science topics across common K-12th- grade curricula. The goal is to create crosswalk opportunities for making sustainability science relevant in subjects such as English Language Arts, Literacy, History, Social Studies, Science, Art, Drama, and Mathematics. Educators will have the opportunity to connect state standards to big sustainability ideas while creating tangible materials that fit individual classroom needs. Offered as an introduction into the topic of sustainability, educators will learn about the history of sustainability, what sustainability is, explore sustainability topics, learn how to mobilize the Sustainability Education Framework for Teachers, and how to connect sustainability to their curriculum. Educators can infuse existing materials, lesson plans, or units with sustainability ideas or start from scratch and create new materials for their young students. The ultimate goal of this course is to prepare K-12th-grade educators to advance the next generation of scientifically literate and globally-minded citizens ready to tackle any challenge.
The Format
Through the all-online 2-week asynchronous delivery format, teachers gain skills in communicating about sustainability topics and ideas. Teachers are asked to watch a series of short video stories that explore key topics like the history of sustainability, new ways of thinking, and sustainability in the classroom videos. They will engage in discussions through Padlet, a digital canvas that allows for easy sharing of ideas, images, files, and videos and through Flipgrid a video platform that ignites discussions. Educators will submit lesson plans for review and use by other teachers in the PD. The course is offered through Arizona State University’s Continuing Education Portal and makes use of the learning management system Blackboard.